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Return to the lush environments of the FarCry series, this time
somewhere in the middle of war-torn Africa. Anything goes in this
open-ended game, but a mercenary wondering about which
warlords to betray or how to trade in blood diamonds for weapons
can always use a few pointers.
In this Far Cry 2 strategy guide, you'll find:
Hints about the various types of missions.
A complete Far Cry 2 walkthrough with
tips for extra tasks, upgrades, and more.
¨ 2008, IGN Entertainment, Inc. May not be sold, distributed, transmitted, displayed, published or broadcast, in whole or part, without IGNÓs express permission. You
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¨ 2008 IGN Entertainment, Inc.
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Far Cry 2 Basics
Basic Tips
Check the journal to see what to do next. If there are no missions listed in the journal, head back to the town or
the weapon shops to find more.
Main missions are vital to the story. These usually come from the UFLL and APR bosses.
Buddy missions are extra tasks that are tied to the main missions, and they are meant to be completed before
finishing up with the main missions. Doing so can bring about bonus items at the safe houses.
Underground missions are the delivery of travel documents to civilians in exchange for malaria medicine. They
become available when the current amount of medicine is running low. The travel documents come from the
priest at the church and (later) the doctor at the clinic.
Weapon missions are optional jobs that, once accomplished, make new weapons available for sale at the shops.
To seize a safe house, kill all the enemies around it. Safe houses provide save points (via the bed), and
sometimes a buddy may show up inside these places to offer a rescue bonus (free revival).
Hide in tall grass to reduce the chances of being detected by enemies.
The enemies aren't as smart at fighting indoors. If the situation calls for an all-out assault, try to duck into a shed,
hut, or other structure of some kind to seek cover and to funnel pursuing enemies through a single doorway.
Cars can be found at safe houses and certain other points. Enemies also occasionally drive along roads, so if a
car is needed, stay on the roads and hope someone will show up in a vehicle.
Use the bus stations to travel quickly between the town areas and the four outer corners of the entire region. The
buses can be handy shortcuts for many missions, especially the underground missions.
¨ 2008 IGN Entertainment, Inc.
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Item Tips
The radar unit (on the handheld map and on the vehicles) comes with a green light for detecting diamond cases
and Jackal tapes. When the green light blinks, a diamond case or tape is nearby. When the green light remains
solid, the item is directly ahead. Some of these goods are located high up on the rooftops of buildings, so don't
forget to search upward.
Purchasing weapons means that new copies of those weapons will always be available at the armories (located
just next to the shops), and that's important because the guns dropped by enemies are always degraded and
prone to jamming.
Manuals are upgrades that increase weapon performance, quicken vehicle repairs, boost vehicle durability, and
so on. Other types of upgrades do things such as extending the amount of reserve ammunition.
Check the journal's upgrades screen to view all the weapons and upgrades, including those that aren't purchased
Don't worry too much about completing weapon missions. Many weapons and upgrades will automatically
become available for purchase after every act (when enough main missions are completed).
Weapon crates, once purchased, can be used to swap weapons. At the armories, place fresh weapons into the
crates. These weapons can then be retrieved at the safe houses later.
¨ 2008 IGN Entertainment, Inc.
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Far Cry 2 Walkthrough
Act 1
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Get out of the town.
The hero, Far Cry Dude, arrives at the town only to succumb to a bout of malaria. Before he can get out of bed, he
meets the Jackal, who shows up to mumble off a bit and then vanishes just as fighting erupts in the streets outside.
Follow the tutorial prompts and exit the building. Fight through the streets as much as possible. If Far Cry Dude doesn't
get mowed down in a hail of gunfire, he will keel over due to his illness. Getting wasted at this point is okay, because this
is a part of the story.
Pick up guns and take syrettes from the kit on the wall.
The guy who saves Far Cry Dude's butt now gets to boss him around. Follow more tutorial prompts for performing first-
aid treatment and for saving. Take the assault rifle and the flamethrower on the table, and use the first-aid kit on the
Pop the hood and fix the car.
Outside the building, open the hood of the yellow car and fix it.
Kill the scouts at the safe house to unlock it.
Nothing complicated here. Using the car, drive south to the safe house marked on the map. Be sure to park the car at a
good place. Kill the two or so enemies there to seize control of the safe house.
Use the bed-roll in the safe house.
Go into the building, and follow the sleep tutorial.
Reach the observation point and scout the camp.
Get back to the car, and drive south to the marked spot. Again, leave the car at a good spot. Continue on foot to the high
mountain road that overlooks the camp below. While viewing the map, use the monocular (by pressing the Iron Sights
Free the captive from the bricked-up building at the cock-fighting arena.
Sneak or fight into the compound. Follow the marker on the map to find the right building. There is a hole in the fence on
the west side that can be used to sneak inside the place. Inside the building, open the bolted wooden door to a storage
closet to free the hostage.
Return to the slaughterhouse and meet Kankaras.
Don't worry about the freed hostage, who will be fine for now. Get back to the car, and drive all the way back to the
¨ 2008 IGN Entertainment, Inc.
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Locate the diamonds using the flashing light on my GPS.
When the map is out, look for the small green light on the radar unit. If a diamond case is nearby, the light will blink. If
the case is directly ahead, the light will remain solid. If the case is very close nearby, a low pulsing noise will also sound
out. Complete the diamond-searching tutorial by finding the first diamond case (worth 10 diamonds) inside a train car,
just outside the slaughterhouse.
Act 1
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Use the Weapon Shop's computer to buy new weapons.
Drive down along the roads until reaching the place. The shop marked on the map happens to be the one near the bar.
Inside the shop, use the computer, and browse the lists of weapons and upgrades. Using the diamonds collected earlier,
purchase at least one of the weapons that are available for now. Buying a weapon means that infinite, fresh-condition
copies of that weapon will become available at the armories (which are located near the shops).
Go to the armory to pick up your new weapons.
After having bought at least one weapon, exit the shop, enter the armory next door, and grab the newly acquired
Find someone at Mike's Bar who can provide medicine.
Go across the street and find the main door into the bar. Talk to the person who has been the freed hostage, and then
talk to the journalist, who is sitting at a table by a corner. Take the audio tape he offers. Also talk to the other guy who's
standing just across from the journalist. This is a buddy who can offer a rescue bonus (free revival).
Go to the church and give the tape to Father Maliya.
Exit the bar. Taking a vehicle, drive into the town in the middle of the region. Enter the church through the main door on
the north side. Talk to the priest, give him the tape, take the malaria medicine in return, and use it to stave off the
disease for a while longer.
Exit the church to find a job.
Exit the church back out through the main door. At this point Far Cry Dude has passed the introductory tutorial scenes,
and the game will give a final few pointers about using the map and about looking for things to do. One way to start is to
visit the UFLL HQ, a building on the west side of town. Check in with the guard at the front entrance, and go upstairs to
the boss.
Destroy the foreign commandos' gear. (UFLL)
Leave the town, and go east. Buddy missions are extra jobs that are meant to be completed before finishing up with the
main missions. If Far Cry Dude wants to do the buddy missions, he should meet up with the buddy who has called him.
The buddy mission here is to force an informant into sending wrong coordinates to the commandos. This informant is
found at a villa to the northwest, on the second floor of the building marked on the map. Fight through the place to reach
him, and then talk to him to get him to transmit the coordinates. In any case, get over to where the commandos are,
following the map marker as usual. Look for a truck with a radio in the back, and shoot the radio to blow it up. If the
buddy needs help afterward, just follow the marker to find the enemies who need to be wiped out.
¨ 2008 IGN Entertainment, Inc.
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