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The Art of Wrestling by Fabian von Auerswald
The Art of Wrestling: 85 pieces
to the honorable and gracious Electors of Saxony
by Fabian von Auerswald.
English Translation copyright 2005 by James Klock.
The Art of Wrestling by Fabian von Auerswald
The Art of Wrestling by Fabian von Auerswald
The Art of Wrestling by Fabian von Auerswald
n hope that it should please / the honor of the illuminated and highborn sovereign and
lord / Lord John Frederick / Elector of Saxony / my gracious Lord / have I, Fabian von
Auerswald / taken upon myself / the honorable and noble art / and the knightly virtue
of wrestling / which I have, by the authority / of the wise and illuminated, highborn sov-
ereign and lord / Lord Ernest / Elector of Saxony / blessed and Christian in his thought
such as from the same widely-famed wrestling masters / as have instructed the Elector
and the young men / of my gracious Lords / the Electors' sons / and other sovereigns
Counts and Lords / who have from those noble men and myself learned.
And I have, in the same knightly and noble art / instructed / and drawn together,
and in an artful and systematic report / and text / brought into print
which is also the righteous art of wrestling / and previously the figure of it
never came. / Which high report I also beg my gracious sovereign and lord
with God's help I have been bestowed / and from which many honorable and good people
may profit / honorably and with piety / to honorable and knightly causes
it will be brought to light. And it is my hope / my humble and friendly prayer
that when / any so high or low in station / should my work
and labor / encounter or acquire / That he would take from me the same gracious
friendship and aid / and keep myself and my children in his aid / Now that I am an eccen-
tric old man / For I was born in 1462 / And have this work
in the Year of Our Lord
1537, in Wittenberg,
The greatest companion is good balance,
wrestling boldly, and never faint hearted.
The Art of Wrestling by Fabian von Auerswald
Firstly, look and see
if your opponent comes to you high or low
If he is high / you must not worry
and may from these techniques,
as your senses guide you,
freely take
But if he is low
then have yourself in greater caution
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