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FAMILY CONNECTIONS by MJ and Cephalgia*****Authors’ Notes: This completed story is the sequel to our previous work "Connecting Hearts" and we very much recommend you read that one first. There is some strong sexual content here as with the last one. The only thank you we have this time is to those of you who asked for a sequel and were patient with us in its production. Once again the authors won’t get al sappy with each other but rest assured the Mutual Admiration Society remains intact. Feedback to: cephalgia@hotmail.com or mj_poet@hotmail.com*****FAMILY CONNECTIONSCHAPTER 1Mid-June in northern California was spectacular this year. The days were hot but hadn’t yet reached into the blistering 100’s that were known to show up frequently in the town of Silver Val ey. Later than normal spring storms had kept the snowpack intact longer in the Sierra Nevada Mountains and the great val ey of California had not yet changed from green to summer brown. The golden poppies had bloomed exactly as Randa Martin had hoped when she scattered the seeds on the hil in back of her farmhouse a little over two months earlier. Now the landscape was a riot of color showing off the California state flower in al its beauty.The petite blonde wandered out the back door and stood on the porch, looking around with satisfaction. The camel ia bushes were rife with blossoms and the newly planted pines were thriving. The smal vegetable and herb garden was already providing fresh produce for the table and the yard was neatly manicured. The crowning glory to the scene though was a single perfect English rose.An English rose by the name of Denise Jennings Randa thought. As if on cue a tanned arm showed itself from the depths of the large freestanding hammock situated under the shade of one of the large oak trees in the backyard. An equal y tanned hand curled palm upward and the index finger moved rhythmical y in a beckoning manner.Randa laughed and walked to the hammock where a very contented Denise Jennings swayed in the light summer breeze. Randa was struck yet again at the sheer loveliness of her lover and partner. The tal firm body, black hair and magnificent blue eyes were a combination that would always cause the blonde’s heart to beat just a little faster."Nurse Martin! Nurse Martin!" Denise’s voice cut through Randa’s assessment and she locked gazes with the woman who had come to be her whole world in the space of less than a year. Denise made her voice faint and pitiful. "Nurse Martin, I believe I have become frightful y dehydrated in your absence. I thought you were just going inside to get some water."Randa rol ed her eyes and chuckled, "Oh, brother! That’s laying it on a bit thick don’t you think?" She held up one of the bottles of water she had been carrying and announced to an imaginary crowd, "And the award for best performance by a poet in a hammock goes to…Denise Jennings!" She reached out to award the bottle to Denise and shrieked as she found her arm grabbed and her body hauled into the hammock where she ended up nose to nose with the dark haired beauty.Denise smiled into Randa’s eyes and said, "I’d like to thank al the little people who made this award possible." Tilting her head slightly she was able to bring her lips to the waiting ones of the nurse. Both women sighed as the soft exchange ended. "Thank you, little person," Denise murmured.Randa smiled. "You’l pay for that ‘little’ remark later; remind me in case I forget." Now it was Denise’s turn to laugh as she wrapped her arm around the blonde and drew her closer."Do I stil have to pay if I tel you I wasn’t thirsty for water but for your company? There is nothing lonelier than a two-person hammock with only one person in it. What kept you anyway?""I got the water and put on a little extra sun block because some of us don’t tan up to the color of an English walnut," she grinned, "but on the way back I had to stop and look around here for a minute. This place is gorgeous and most of it’s because of you. You real y have a green thumb you know.""Yeah, it was one of the things I got from Sara." Both women were silent for a moment as they were caught up in individual memories of Denise’s wonderful aunt who had passed away in March from Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis. Her il ness had brought Randa and Denise together and her death had nearly split them apart. Their love had survived the storm though and they had ended up together just as Sara had hoped."I stil miss her," Randa said quietly."Me, too," returned the poet. "It gets easier al the time though to think of her and only remember the good and happy times. You’ve helped me do that, helped me to keep her memory alive without al the pain I had after she died." Denise deposited a warm kiss on Randa’s forehead and looked lovingly into her bright green eyes."It’s my distinct pleasure, Ms. Jennings""Not yet but definitely later, Ms. Martin." A smal gust blew up and rocked the hammock gently and the women relished the feeling of gentle movement and holding on to one another. They had only been living together a little over two months and things had gone relatively smoothly. There were the usual adjustments to be made when any two people started sharing the same living space. Denise was a rol the tube of toothpaste up from the bottom kind of person and Randa was a squeeze it in the middle kind.Randa wasn’t sure what made living with Denise the relatively easy thing it had been. That they were deeply and total y in love wasn’t even a question. The nurse thought it was more likely the fact that they were friends before the romance happened and nothing that had happened since then had changed that fact. We have so much more between us than just sex the nurse thought. Not that the sex isn’t great, mind you.Randa snuggled deeper into the poet’s embrace as the flower scented breeze moved the hammock gently again. The contentment that wel ed up in her soul was spoiled only by a thought that had been plaguing the nurse for weeks. Her brows scrunched together in irritation."Stop it," Denise said. The voice caused a pleasant burr in the chest Randa had her head on."Stop what?" Randa returned."You know what. You’re thinking about it again.""Was not.""Yes, you were. I can always tel . First your eyebrows scrunch up, then your whole body becomes tense and final y you get a death grip on me if I’m anywhere in your general vicinity," Denise explained. She looked down meaningful y at the nurse’s arm that had been casual y draped across her middle and was now doing a pretty good imitation of a vise-grip."Sorry," Randa squeaked and loosened her hold on the tal er woman. "I’m not sure why this is bugging me so much. It didn’t bug you, did it?""Nope. It was just another day. Maybe you should stop thinking of it as June 29th, another day that wil live in infamy.""Maybe," Randa said but sounded doubtful."Maybe you should think about something else entirely," the poet purred."Any suggestions?""Plenty," Denise mumbled as she moved her head to begin a delicious nibbling of the nurse’s earlobe. Randa gave herself over to the wonderful sensations created by her partner and resolved to not think about it for the rest of the afternoon. Not going to think about it at al , not a single thought."You’re doing it again," Denise laughed and soon had the nurse laughing with her. Then the poet returned her attention to the neglected earlobe and Randa was able to forget for a little while that she was about to turn thirty.***It was a little later that afternoon that Denise found herself once again alone in the comfortable hammock. Lying with legs crossed at the ankles and hands behind her head she looked up into the low branches of the large oak tree. The blinding rays of the sun shone down through the littered gaps in the trees branches. She moved her head from side to side, watching as the sun would disappear from one breach only to appear from behind the thick wooden stem of another. The sheer brightness of the glowing orb made her wish she had remembered to bring her sunglasses out with her. Closing her eyes, DJ settled herself further into the gentle swing of the hammock.Thinking back over the past couple of months DJ couldn’t believe the changes that had occurred. Everything that once held a great importance in remaining constant in her life had changed. Sara was gone, she was presently living in the United States and what was more — she was soon to lose the anonymity she had held sacred for most of her life. Denise thought that she should feel a certain amount of apprehension at the notion but surprisingly enough there was none. For the first time the possibilities of the future didn’t seem so daunting and the poet thought she knew the reasons why. Maybe it was Sara’s words that she stil kept in her wal et or maybe it was Randa but the fact remained that for the first time she actual y looked forward to her future — to their future.At the beginning of July her new anthology of poetry was to final y be released. That meant she would have to go back to England. The date had been pushed back so it would coincide with the announcement of the pending release of DJ’s first novel under her ful name. Carl had planned it so she could make the announcement at the first publicity gathering. Denise planned to leave for England the day after Randa’s birthday. She couldn’t help but be slightly amused by Randa’s reactions to the fast approaching day. She seemed to regard her thirtieth as her own inevitable apocalypse. Stil the poet thought, lets hope the day I have... [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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