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Families and
Mental Disorders
Families and Mental Disorders: From Burden to Empowerment.
Edited by Norman Sartorius, Julian
Leff, Juan Jos´eLopez-Ibor, Mario Maj and Ahmed Okasha
Copyright  2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. ISBN: 0-470-02382-1
Families and
Mental Disorders
From Burden to
Edited by
Norman Sartorius
University of Geneva, Switzerland
Julian Leff
Royal Free and University College Medical School,
London, UK
Juan Jos´ L´pez-Ibor
Complutense University of Madrid, Spain
Mario Maj
University of Naples, Italy
Ahmed Okasha
Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt
2005 John Wiley & Sons Ltd, The Atrium, Southern Gate, Chichester,
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List of Contributors
Chapter 1 Families of People with Schizophrenia
Christine Barrowclough
Chapter 2 Families of People with Dementia
Henry Brodaty
Chapter 3 Families of People with Major Depression
Julian Leff
Chapter 4 Families of People with Bipolar Disorder
Gabor I. Keitner, Christine E. Ryan and Alison Heru
Chapter 5 Families of People with a Severe
Anxiety Disorder
Gail Steketee and Jason Fogler
Chapter 6 Families of People with an Eating Disorder
Palmiero Monteleone, Janet Treasure,
Paolo Santonastaso, Angela Favaro and
Francesca Brambilla
Chapter 7 Families of Children with a Mental Disorder
Simon G. Gowers and Claudine Bryan
Chapter 8 Families of People with Drug Abuse
A. Hamid Ghodse and Susanna Galea
Chapter 9 The Role of Family Organizations
in Mental Health Care
Margaret Leggatt
Chapter 10 Research on Burden and Coping Strategies
in Families of People with Mental Disorders:
Problems and Perspectives
Elizabeth Kuipers and Paul E. Bebbington
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