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Historic Floors: Their Care and Conservation
Butterworth-Heinemann Series in Conservation and Museology
Series Editors
Arts and Archaeology
Andrew Oddy
British Museum, London
Derek Linstrum
Formerly Institute of Advanced Architectural Studies, University of York
US Executive Editor: Norbert S. Baer
New York University, Conservation Center of the Institute of Fine Arts
Consultants: Sir Bernard Feilden
David Bomford
National Gallery, London
C.V. Horie
Manchester Museum, University of Manchester
Colin Pearson
Canberra College of Advanced Education
Sarah Staniforth
National Trust, London
Published titles:
Care and Conservation of Geological Material (Howie)
Care and Conservation of Natural History Collections (Carter, Walker)
Care and Conservation of Palaeontological Material (Collins)
Chemical Principles of Textile Conservation (Tímár-Balázsy, Eastop)
Conservation and Restoration of Ceramics (Buys, Oakley)
Conservation of Brick (Warren)
Conservation of Building and Decorative Stone, Volumes 1 and 2
(Ashurst, Dimes)
Conservation of Earth Structures (Warren)
Conservation of Historic Buildings (Feilden)
Conservation of Historic Timber Structures: An Ecological Approach
(Larson, Marstein)
Historic Floors: their Care and Conservation, paperback edition (Fawcett)
A History of Architectural Conservation, paperback edition (Jokilehto)
Lacquer: Technology and Conservation (Webb)
The Museum Environment, 2nd Edition (Thomson)
Radiography of Cultural Material (Lang, Middleton)
The Textile Conservator’s Manual, 2nd Edition (Landi)
Upholstery Conservation (Gill, Eastop)
Related titles:
The Complete Works of Robert and James Adam and Unbuilt Adam (King)
Digital Collections (Keene)
Edwardian Civic Buildings (Fellows)
Lighting Historic Buildings (Phillips)
Materials for Conservation (Horie)
The Organic Chemistry of Museum Objects, 2nd Edition (Mills, White)
Remedial Treatment of Buildings, 2nd edition (Richardson)
Restoration of Motion Picture Film (Meyer, Read)
Risk Assessment for Object Conservation (Ashley-Smith)
Victorian Houses and their Details (Long)
Historic Floors: Their Care
and Conservation
Edited by
Jane Fawcett
Published in association
(International Council on
Monuments and Sites)
With the generous assistance
of The Manifold Trust
and Historic Scotland
Linacre House, Jordan Hill, Oxford OX2 8DP
225 Wildwood Avenue, Woburn, MA 01801-2041
A division of Reed Educational and Professional Publishing Ltd
A member of the Reed Elsevier plc group
First published 1998 as
Historic Floors: Their History and Conservation
Paperback edition 2001
© Jane Fawcett 1998, 2001
Chapter 18 © Parliamentary copyright 1998, 2001
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may be reproduced in any material form (including
photocopying or storing in any medium by electronic
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Applications for the copyright holder’s written permission
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British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data
Historic floors: their history and conservation. –
(Conservation and museology series)
1. Floors – Europe – History
2. Floors – Europe –
Conservation and restoration
I. Fawcett, Jane
Library of Congress Cataloguing in Publication Data
Historic floors: their history and conservation/edited by Jane
p. cm. – (Butterworth-Heinemann series in conservation and
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 0 7506 2765 4
1. Floors – England – History.
2. Floors – England – Conservation
and restoration.
3. Historic buildings – England – Conservation
and restoration.
I. Fawcett, Jane.
II. Series
ISBN 0 7506 2765 4
Composition by Scribe Design, Gillingham, Kent
Printed and bound in Great Britain by The Bath Press, Bath
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